Thursday 22 September 2011

Source 13

This stumlbed across me when i was looking for racism videos on youtube. The fact racism is shown through sound helps me understand that racism problems are a common occurance throughout disney films.

Source 12

Website link on an argument for and against whether disney films are racist or not. They prove points about ethnicity and disabilities throughout disney films. It also goes on explaining how children WANTED to see characters. For example, the indians in Pocahontas are shown the way children believe they are. They apparently weren't created and visiualised into childrens minds, they were already there. The argument on this website explains in full depth about how different characters are looked at by children.

Source 11


This chapter explains how Walt Disney himself explains the problems he had to face running such a huge business and how rumours were spread due to the fact he was firing employees, they got jealous and started making crazy accusations on him being racist and anti-jew.

Source 10

This is a view from a member of public who has been looking through tips and facts on how walt disney was being blamed for being racist and anti-jew, making him seem like a Hitler loving fan. It explains the rumours that have been spreading around the world about his last words before he died being "DAMN JEWS" which was shown to the public through Robot Chicken and Family Guy, the writer then goes onto explaining how this effects the lives of children around the world. Considering hardly anybody reads books anymore due to the technological life, it suggests that children are believing what they're being fed in-stead of looking into it themselves and actually reading about characters in books in stead of accepting how they look on-film.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Source 9

Website link:

This website goes indepth about how the characters in Disney films portray every day life. For example, it says Ariel out of My little mermaid wasn't exactly how everyone expected considering this film came out during the womens movement and Disney payed little attention to this. Instead, it gave us a sexy princess wearing shells as a bikini, that was willing to do anything to make a man love her, even if it meant giving up her voice so she could have legs.

Source 8

This website isn't exactly directed at Disney, however, it explains argumetns on racism and stereotypes throughout children films. The second set of points made are facts of books (such as Jungle Book) and how they influence our children. It explains that the monkeys throughout the film (which bully throughout the film) have 'black man' voices.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Source 7

News paper article

LA Times

Gives points of view from inside workers on the racial complaints from outside people.
This explains that the people who were working for Disney were truly suprised by the African-American people that protested against a film when they had worked hard to get it as racially stable as possible and even hired a jew wing-man to help write and review the script.